07970 337377 [email protected]

We’re back!

Jul 3, 2020

We are delighted to be re-opening on Saturday 4th July in line with government advice!

This is a little post to welcome you all back and to explain some of the changes that we’ve put in place to keep everyone safe and well.

Lockdown has given us the perfect opportunity to spruce up the salon, which as had a facelift inside and out!

You’ll spot our fresh new frontage brightening up Malvern Link before you even step foot inside the salon. Inside, we’ve had new flooring, a lick of paint and lots more!

New Systems

It’s not just the beautiful surroundings that have changed, we have also implemented a number of new systems to comply with safe working practices to keep us all safe and well.

  • We have removed 2 of our 8 workstations to make more room in the salon and the middle workstation on each side will remain out of use to ensure social distancing.
  • Each workstation will have it’s own trolly containing anti-viral spray and hand sanitizer.
  • There will be a screen at reception with a gap for the payment card to be handed through.
  • We will only be using the two end basins, with the middle kept free.
  • Each basin will have it’s own set of shampoos and towels

Keeping everyone safe – Covid-19 salon guidelines

We want everyone to feel safe and relaxed when they visit our salon. So our team have put a lot of time and thought into our Covid-19 salon guidelines. We hope that they will help to reassure you that we take your health and our own very seriously.

  • Please attend your appointment by yourself unless you have been offered a family appointment.
  • We will not be accepting any walk-in appointments.
  • We are offering our more vulnerable clients appointments at the start or end of the day.
  • There will be a poster on the door explaining to only enter if you do not have covid-19 symptoms (cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell), and have not been in contact with someone who has covid-19 symptoms or if you have recently traveled to an area with high infection rates. Please cancel or reschedule your appointment if any apply.
  • When you arrive at the door, do not enter until you have been welcomed in by your stylist. Please do not be late.
  • Hand sanitiser and tissues are provided throughout your salon visit.
  • Please do not bring a coat with you if you don’t have to, and only one bag if possible.
  • We will be providing masks for clients to wear.
  • You will then be asked to complete a short client health check questionnaire for us. If you have your own pen this would be really helpful.
  • Unfortunately we are unable to offer drinks and magazines in the salon for the time being, but you may bring your own (as long as your drink has a lid).
  • You will be gowned up as usual with a freshly washed gown and towel.
  • We will be regularly sanitising all work stations, door handles, card machine and toilet facilities.
  • We will be wearing an apron and a visor. We will also be washing our hands regularly and also have hand sanitiser and will be wearing gloves when we can.
  • Everything your stylist uses during your visit will have been freshly sterilised before your arrival.
  • There may be an extra charge for your first appointment as we will need to use more colour for your hair and may be carrying out a restyle cut to put it back into it’s original shape so this will all use more salon time. This will only be for your first appointment so we hope you understand.

    Thank you so much for supporting us during this time.